Moog Matriarch – the Pinnacle of Moog’s Semi-Modular Family of Analog Synthesizers.Moog Matriarch is a patchable 4-note paraphonic analog synthesizer with a built-in Sequencer, Arpeggiator, stereo Ladder Filters, and stereo Analog Delay.Create rich evolving chord patterns immediately with “no patching required”, then tap into an abundance of inspiring textures, new sounds, and an endless supply of happy accidents through Matriarch’s 90 modular patch points.Based on the vintage circuitry of classic Moog synthesizer modules, Matriarch is a catalyst for creative ideas and a medium for multidimensional expression.
- Sequence and perform in mono, duo, and 4-note paraphonic modes.
- Classic and ping-pong style repeats with lush infinite delay trails.
- Create, mangle and explore the endless expanse of sound with 90 modular patch points.
Easily create rich harmonic shapes with up to 4 notes of paraphony that can be sequenced, saved, and shifted with Matriarch’s intuitive 256 step sequencer, or stack the analog VCOs to play on a massive 4 oscillator mono synth.
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